Sunday, 23 June 2019

My Epic Art Journal for Bubbly Funk - the Endgame...

So here I am with the finished piece... Warning this is very picture heavy!!!

Binding it all together was the biggest challenge for me... as I said at the start i’m not a journaller or a mini book maker to be honest so I had to have a think.
I thought about book rings - which would have been good if I wanted to add extra pages later ( which I did consider).
My next option was going to be seam binding and wool... but I don’t know where mine is!!
But I found these suede cords I bought from Jewellery Maker a long long time ago and thought they would be perfect.

I played around with this for a while trying to get the pages to be as stable but moveable as possible ...I tried buttons between the pages but that didn’t work... adding additional knotted pieces seemed to do the trick though 😊

To finish off I just added a few more knotted pieces in the co-ordinating colours.

I’m super proud of this project and I apologise now if it appears many times over on social media lol.

Thank you so much Caroline for sending me these to play with and huge apologies for how long it took me to do them  justice.

Let me know what you think... and also any suggestions for a permanent black inkpad will be gratefully received 😊
Hugs and snogs,

J xx 

P.S.... this is the page that got away!!!! i found it underneath everything when I was clearing up the afternath lol 

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