....Oh my goodness!!!
Busy at work!! I have been working at Carlisle as they have had a major visit today from the directors!! worked lots of hours and very tired!!
and my poor pooch :( paul came to meet me at the train station on Monday and played with the dog on the wasteground next to the station - poor wee fellow took the skin off his pads running around :( He has been a very good boy and laid patiently while we bathed his feet with saline and didn't rip off the socks we taped to his feet thankfully!!
We went to see the nice vet, much to Rolos disgust, and she said they were starting to heal :D YIPEE :D so he has pain killers so he can put some weight on his tootsies :D
Ok, here's my scrapping efforts for thsi week - this is a pic of my mum as a young girl which she had a negative made, I scanned and then printed in a much bigger format - the original is teeny :o
The scowl is so like so many pics of me as a child LOL

Swine flu free hugs'n'snogs,
Julie xx